
South Campus (DLI)


For more information, contact Maria Lizardo-Gomez at 520-797-0107 ext.424 or email at

  • DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION (DLI): Your child will begin in a 90/10 Spanish/English model that begins in K-1, and develops to 50/50 by fifth grade. All students will read, write and speak in both languages.
  • CHRISTIAN: Teaching our students from a biblical perspective, so they may engage the world from a standpoint of Truth.
  • CLASSICAL: Training our elementary-age students to become critical thinkers so they have the tools for pursuing knowledge, wisdom, and virtue, with the Truth of Christ as the standard.
  • COVENANTAL: Partnering with Christian parents in their children's education, while in turn, parents agree to support and cooperate with PRCA in the philosophy and standards taught at school.
  • ATTAINABLE: Partnering with families throughout the scholarship and enrollment application processes. 
  • SAFE: Striving to create a safe environment - physically, emotionally, and spiritually - in which your child can learn and thrive.

Learning Together At PRCA South

List of 3 items.

  • Dual Language Immersion Q & A

    What is Dual Language Immersion?
    At Pusch Ridge Christian Academy South Campus, the goal of our Dual Language Immersion program is for students to become fluent in both Spanish and English while excelling academically in a Christian setting. Each day, they learn in both languages, covering subjects like math, science, and literature. Each class allows them to grow in language skills and knowledge.

    Students collaborate with teachers and classmates, solving problems, sharing ideas, and enjoying the richness of different languages and cultures. Our school is inclusive, fostering pride in biliteracy and promoting understanding and respect for people from diverse backgrounds.

    Beyond the classroom, we aim to create a community where everyone learns from each other, regardless of their language. Our mission is to prepare young people to excel in languages, academics, and empathy to be successful in a world where biliteracy and cultural understanding are essential.

    What is the difference between a 90:10 and a 50:50 model of Dual Language Immersion programs?
    In simple terms, the difference between a 90:10 and a 50:50 model of Dual Language Immersion programs lies in how much time is initially devoted to teaching in the target language versus English, particularly in kindergarten.

    In a 90:10 model, 90% of instructional time in kindergarten is spent teaching in the target language, gradually decreasing each year until it reaches a 50:50 balance between the target language and English, typically by grade five. 

    Who is eligible for the program?
    Kindergarten is open to students who are native speakers of Spanish, English, or are Bilingual. However, dual language programs typically do not accept students who only speak English after first grade and English learners after second grade. If a child is already bilingual and able to read and write in the two languages, he or she may join the program at any time. 

    Is this program a fit for my child and our family?
    Parents must consider if Dual Language Immersion is a fit for their family. For children to gain language proficiency and academic success, the child needs to reach the 50:50 model. Therefore, the parent needs to understand this is a long-term commitment. 

    How can I help my child with homework if I do not speak the language used in class? 
    Even if you do not speak the language of instruction, you may still support your child's learning at home. You are their best cheerleader. Words of affirmation are key to all parts of their educational journey, and so much more when it is in Spanish. By focusing on building a strong foundation in their first language, you are laying the groundwork for their second language skills. You can help by reading to your child and exploring topics your child is learning in school in their first language. For example, if your child is learning about community helpers in Spanish, talking about it in English at home can help them understand better when they learn it in Spanish at school.

    Make sure your child has what they need to do their homework comfortably, like a quiet space, enough time, and supplies like paper, pencils, and dictionaries in both languages. You can also ask your child about their homework in your own language, giving them a chance to explain it to you and practice using their first language.

    Upon request, teachers provide translated guides for homework, so you can understand what your child needs to do even if it's in a different language.

    If I am interested in finding out more information or next steps, who should I contact?

    Contact Maria Lizardo-Gomez, South Admissions Manager, at 520-797-0107 ext. 424 or email for more information. 


    ¿Qué es la inmersión en dos idiomas?
    En Pusch Ridge Christian Academy, South Campus, el objetivo de nuestro programa de inmersión en dos idiomas es que los estudiantes adquieran fluidez en español e inglés mientras sobresalen académicamente en un ambiente cristiano. Cada día aprenden en ambos idiomas, cubriendo materias como matemáticas, ciencias y literatura. Cada clase les permite crecer en habilidades y conocimientos del idioma.

    Los estudiantes colaboran con profesores y compañeros de clase, resolviendo problemas, compartiendo ideas y disfrutando de la riqueza de diferentes idiomas y culturas. Nuestra escuela es inclusiva, fomenta el orgullo por la alfabetización bilingüe y promueve la comprensión y el respeto por las personas de diversos orígenes.

    Más allá del aula, nuestro objetivo es crear una comunidad donde todos aprendan unos de otros, independientemente de su idioma. Nuestra misión es preparar a los jóvenes para que sobresalgan en idiomas, académicos y empatía para tener éxito en un mundo donde la alfabetización bilingüe y la comprensión cultural son esenciales.

    ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un modelo 90:10 y un modelo 50:50 de programas de inmersión en dos idiomas?
    En términos simples, la diferencia entre un modelo 90:10 y un modelo 50:50 de programas de inmersión en dos idiomas radica en cuánto tiempo se dedica inicialmente a la enseñanza en el idioma de destino versus el inglés, particularmente en el jardín de infantes.

    En un modelo 90:10, el 90% del tiempo de instrucción en el jardín de infantes se dedica a enseñar en el idioma de destino, disminuyendo gradualmente cada año hasta alcanzar un equilibrio de 50:50 entre el idioma de destino y el inglés, generalmente en el quinto grado.

    ¿Quién es elegible para el programa?
    El jardín de infantes está abierto a estudiantes que sean hablantes nativos de español, inglés o bilingües. Sin embargo, los programas de lenguaje dual generalmente no aceptan estudiantes que solo hablan inglés después del primer grado ni estudiantes de inglés después del segundo grado. Si un niño ya es bilingüe y sabe leer y escribir en los dos idiomas, puede unirse al programa en cualquier momento.

    ¿Es este programa adecuado para mi hijo y nuestra familia?
    Los padres deben considerar si la inmersión en dos idiomas es adecuada para su familia. Para que los niños adquieran dominio del idioma y éxito académico, el niño debe alcanzar el modelo 50:50. Por lo tanto, los padres deben comprender que se trata de un compromiso a largo plazo.

    ¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi hijo con la tarea si no hablo el idioma que se usa en clase?
    Incluso si no habla el idioma de instrucción, aún puede apoyar el aprendizaje de su hijo en casa. Eres su mejor animadora. Las palabras de afirmación son clave en todas las partes de su viaje educativo, y mucho más cuando son en español. Al centrarse en construir una base sólida en su primer idioma, está sentando las bases para sus habilidades en un segundo idioma. Puede ayudar leyéndole a su hijo y explorando temas que su hijo está aprendiendo en la escuela en su primer idioma. Por ejemplo, si su hijo está aprendiendo sobre los ayudantes comunitarios en español, hablar sobre ello en inglés en casa puede ayudarlo a comprender mejor cuando lo aprenda en español en la escuela.

    Asegúrese de que su hijo tenga lo que necesita para hacer su tarea cómodamente, como un espacio tranquilo, suficiente tiempo y útiles como papel, lápices y diccionarios en ambos idiomas. También puede preguntarle a su hijo sobre sus tareas en su propio idioma, dándole la oportunidad de explicárselo y practicar usando su primer idioma.

    Si lo solicita, los maestros brindan guías traducidas para las tareas, para que pueda comprender lo que su hijo debe hacer, incluso si está en un idioma diferente.

    Si estoy interesado en obtener más información o los próximos pasos, ¿con quién debo hablar?
    Comuníquese con María Lizardo-Gomez, Gerente de Admisiones Sur, al 520-797-0107, ext. 424 o, envíe un correo electrónico a para obtener más información.
    Read More
  • Grades K-4 Curriculum

    PRCA South aspires to provide a well-rounded, dual language education. Our curriculum is designed to prepare children to be lifelong, independent learners, wise and creative problem solvers, and truth seekers who strive to pursue God in every area of life. Students will begin at a 90/10 Spanish/English model and transition to a 50/50 model in 5th grade, which will continue through 12th grade. All students will read, write and speak in both languages.
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  • Grades K-4 Distinctives

    Copy Books

    K-2 students produce copybooks that provide ongoing practice for handwriting, spelling, grammar, etc. These copybooks are kept specifically for copying noteworthy poems, prose, quotes, historical facts, and information that touches on the theme being studied by the class. We have a monthly Biblical theme that is in alignment with the PRCA Portrait of a Graduate.

    Living Books

    Living books are the opposite of dull, dry textbooks. They are books that are excellently written, timeless, wide-ranging, and interest-holding to children. People, places, and events come alive as one reads a living book. The story and the noble themes presented in the book touch one’s mind, will, and emotions and are used along with the Scriptures by the teacher to stimulate imagination and obedience to the truth. Because the K-2 grade levels are predominantly in Spanish, students also receive a rich understanding of the text as culture and language are expressed in ways that connect to their hearts. PRCA advocates avoiding “twaddle,” or dumbed-down literature. We choose, rather, to provide a feast for children’s minds with the best literary works available in Spanish at the K-2 grade levels.

    Creation Journals

    Creation Journals are artist sketchbooks containing pictures the children have personally drawn of plants, wildlife, or any other natural objects found in their natural setting. These journals can also include creation-related poetry, prose, detailed descriptions, weather notes, Latin names, etc. In addition, we believe in the benefits of children taking walks in God's creation, perhaps one per week, during which they may experience and observe the natural environment firsthand. These excursions are creation "walks," no nature "talks." These activities generate the right attitude of mind for scientific observations and inferences, and foster a sense of awe and wonder for all things created. The bulk of creation journals is done in our sustainable garden built by the dads of the school. 

    Picture & Composer Studies

    The grammar levels of all PRCA schools structure their programs to bring the child into direct contact with works of art and music of enduring quality. Students spend approximately 15 minutes per week studying a work of art by a great artist. The child looks at the work of art intently for a short period and is encouraged to look for every detail. The picture is taken away, and the student recalls what was observed in the picture. A similar methodology is undertaken as the school studies significant musicians and their works. Through exposure to selected works of art and music, students develop an understanding of things that are worthy and timeless, and they build a mental inventory of many great works through the ages.


    In addition to picture studies, students participate in formal art class once a week. To begin, the focus is on drawing and elements of art such as visual components of color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value. Later, students learn about, discuss, and implement design principles in their artwork and throughout the year are exposed to a wide variety of media and methods. There is also an emphasis on connecting student art to classroom subjects such as history, math, and Bible.


    Taking advantage of the predilection of young children for mimicry and repetition, we provide the opportunity for our elementary students to commit to memory passages and poems of lasting value. As a Dual Language Immersion (DLI) campus, our K-3 students recite poems and Scripture in Spanish.


    Students in grades K-3 are provided instruction in fundamental music theory, singing techniques, and performance etiquette with a focus on worship. In the first two years, students learn to play the guitar by musical notation and audible pitch match. In the next two years, students learn to play the violin; both instruments are taught through solfege notation.

    Physical Education 

    As a Charlotte Mason-based school, students participate in two types of P.E.; imagination and mental/physical skills growth.

Señora Wright


Señora Molina

Second Grade

Señora Amado

Mariachi Director

Señora Lizardo-Gomez

Admissions Manager

Señora Palazuelos


Señora Garcia

Second Grade

Señora Lopez


Señora Macias

First Grade

Señora Beltrán-Tamayo

Third Grade

Director Basurto 


Señora Almazán

First Grade

Señora Pittenridge

Third Grade

Judi Poblano

Director of Administration
The mission of Pusch Ridge Christian Academy is to teach our students to become like Christ through a classical, Christian education within a covenantal community. 

Grammar Campus (grades K-5)

6450 N Camino Miraval, Tucson AZ 85718
P: 520.529.7080  F: 520.529.7140
School office hours: 7:45 AM - 3:30 PM

Upper Campus (grades 6-12)

9500 N Oracle Road, Tucson AZ 85704
P: 520.797.0107  F: 520.797.0598
School office hours: 7:45 AM - 4:00 PM

South Campus (grades K-3)

5951 S 12th Ave, Tucson AZ 85706
P: 520.413.7945  F: 520.467.3894
School office hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM