A Classical, Christian Education is...
Vibrant: A classical, Christian education seeks to nurture a child’s natural wonder and curiosity, opening him or her to the treasures and wonders of God and all that He has made. It focuses on the “Greats:” the great ideas, such as Truth, Goodness and Beauty; the great works of music, art, and literature; the great discoveries and events of history; the great thinkers from Socrates and Plato through Augustine to Einstein and C.S. Lewis. The study of these “Greats” prepares the student to enter into the Great Conversation that has been going on for centuries and contribute their perspectives. Through civil discussion, we refine one another’s thinking and character.
Vigorous: A classical, Christian education is a challenging, word-based education with a focus on sources and primary documents with an emphasis on writing and speaking. We desire our students to become wise and discerning thinkers, as they grow spiritually, artistically, physically, and socially. As Jesus did, we desire our students to “grow in favor with God and men” through a life-giving and lifelong love of learning.
Virtuous: It does not matter what we study if it doesn’t change us to become virtuous human beings. Socrates famously defined education as “the formation of the human soul.” We want to form our students to become like Christ-- to love God with all their hearts, minds, and souls, and to extend that love to others. Thus we educate our students in their affections; we teach them to love the right things in the right way (ordo amoris). We “give our students chests,” as C.S. Lewis says, by teaching them to love fortitude, prudence, justice, and temperance, among other virtues, and to exercise them properly.