A Life of Love Stories

by Molly Garnand
Lauren Sommitz’s life is of several love stories; one of her and God, her and herself, her husband, and now her children.

In every stage of her life, Lauren speaks of wanting “anything but boring,” desiring simplistic, yet beautiful joys to fill her time. In high school, she participated in sports (tennis and swim), drama, leadership (Senior Class Representative), and National Honor Society, as well as her AP and Honors classes. As she spoke about high school she didn’t seem too fond of herself, saying how she wished she could go back and “just tell myself to chill.” However, she shared fun memories about  TP-ing teachers' houses with friends late at night and loving senior year.

Lauren chose to attend Hillsdale College in Michigan, seeking a place where she could be independent; not wanting a Christian school, so she could live out her faith her own way. There she had an ambitious path to triple major in English, History, and Chemistry. Eventually, her plans shifted, but she still double-majored in English and Chemistry. She found a love for Chemistry and her future plans stemmed from there.

After college, Lauren planned to focus on Chemistry, wanting to get a Ph.D. and go into research. However, after completing an internship she realized she didn’t like being in the lab all day without seeing people. So she continued to think of something “hard sciency” that she could do. She came back home to Tucson and applied for jobs everywhere she could, but all possible positions were filled. She finally applied to teach, something she emphasized she had never wanted to do. That was the door that opened to her. Despite “the worst phone interview my boss had ever heard,” she was called up to Phoenix to teach middle and high school Chemistry. She quickly realized teaching was what God made her to do.

Lauren was a teacher in Phoenix for six years. She made some good friends, including her former roommate (a fellow Hillsdale grad). As Lauren fell into rhythm and routine she asked the question, “What do I need to do in my life to be happy just being me?” again seeking simplistic joys in life. She joined a community theater group, got her masters in education, began rock climbing, spent time in her friendships, and played Dungeons and Dragons.
She found the work-to-life balance, enjoying her life as it was, and finding what made her happy to be herself. 

During her time in Phoenix, Lauren dated but found that she was always happier alone. She still desired to be married and have kids, but she didn’t want just to have it. So she prayed for God to place a big neon sign above the person she was meant to marry.

Lauren had first known David at the age of seven. They were homeschooled together, but soon she moved away and never saw him again. About 20 years later he had a dream about her. So he woke up and called his mom to ask what she knew about her. David found Lauren on Facebook and began messaging her. This is the relationship that stuck, and they began dating long distances between Phoenix and Tucson. She didn’t think too much about it until she thought he was going to break up with her, realizing she was in love. She knew what to look for and this was it, so why wait? She moved down to Tucson and began teaching Chemistry at PRCA, her alma mater, and halfway through that year they got married. 

A year later, Lauren taught part-time as they were expecting their first child, and about a year ago she decided to stay at home when their second child. She realized it was the first time in her life she wasn’t in school, but she loves being at home with her kids. Lauren notes that it’s amazing how much there is to do and how differently she is using her mind. She had brought Lucy (almost 3) and Luke (age 1 1/2) with her to the interview, and three times we were interrupted by someone telling her how beautiful they were. Through the interview, it was clear how loving and good she is as a mom. The couple recently welcomed their third child, Andrew. Lauren knows this is where she is supposed to be in life.

Lauren’s life is a testament to God, “Whenever I think I can do it on my own, I realize that life is hard without God. I have been blessed to have consequences that aren’t too big, but big enough to remind me.” Her story with God is a love for him, filled with “Ebeneezers” that have led her to all her other loves.

Grammar School (grades K-5)

6450 N Camino Miraval, Tucson AZ 85718
P: 520.529.7080  F: 520.529.7140
School office hours: 7:45 AM - 3:30 PM

Upper School (grades 6-12)

9500 N Oracle Road, Tucson AZ 85704
P: 520.797.0107  F: 520.797.0598
School office hours: 7:45 AM - 4:00 PM

South Campus (grades K-3)

5951 S 12th Ave, Tucson AZ 85706
P: 520.413.7945  F: 520.467.3894
School office hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The mission of Pusch Ridge Christian Academy is to teach our students to become like Christ through a classical, Christian education within a covenantal community.